We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

Since 1983, the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program has been a public way for faith communities to see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Lutheran church.
Who is welcome here at Christ Lutheran Community Church?
If you are Asian, Hispanic, Black or White…
If you were born in this country or immigrated here from somewhere else…
If you are male or female or transgender….
If you are three days old, 30 years old, or 103 years old…
If you’ve never stepped foot in a church; or if you are Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, agnostic, or are a lifelong Lutheran…
If you are single, married, divorced, separated, or partnered…
If you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer…
If you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Socialist, or not registered to vote…
If you have, or had, addictions, phobias, regrets, or a criminal record…
If you own your home, rent, live with your parents, or are homeless…
If you are fully-abled, disabled or a person of differing abilities…
You are welcome here at Christ Lutheran Community Church! We inivite you to join us for worship, a study group or to participate in any of the activities or events we are holding.

If you have questions or want to connect with us prior to coming in person, please let us know. We send out a weekly email with information on activities and worship. If you wish to receive the weekly email, please fill out the form and check the box below.